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How about 5 year Moritorium of NO More New Tools Introduced ? :-))

902 Views 0 Replies Create Time: 2021-02-01 23:32:06

  •   Level 10   
    (7578) points
    2021-02-01 23:32:06
     Just think how great a Maxi Sys could be if they just  threw all these OE Lawyers in a Muddy Rice Paddy and just copied all the OE software again unless they could make it work better than OE software.LOL
      Autel's engineer's talent has to be spread kind of thin because it seems to be way more of a priority to have them developing new hardware platforms and the software updates seem to be ambiguous fluff or so called optimization  instead of just giving us more OE meat and potato added functions , or concentrating on repair of holes  found in software functionality of the 8- 22 year old vehicles most of us are likely to see. Cars that are only a year or two old are generally still under warranty and OE lawyers haven't yet forced Autel's software optimizations to those vehicles yet, so I imagine that  will be the best their software is ever going to be, even though most of us won't ever get to use the software for these cars still under warranty until the software has already seen an Optimization or two.
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